prepare SD Card for raspbian wheezy OS

sudo dd bs=4M if=2014-01-07-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/mmcblk0
sudo sync

X Forwarding of application running on raspberry

ssh -X pi@raspberry

lighttpd rights for www directory

sudo gpasswd -a pi www-data
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data ~/www/production/
sudo chmod -R 775 ~/www/production/
sudo chmod -R 674 ~/www/production/

Fix file permissions

setzt die Verzeichnisse auf die Rechte 755 und die Dateien auf 644 bzw. 674 (group can write and execute to)

sudo find ~/www/production/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
sudo find ~/www/production/  -type f -exec chmod 674 {} \;

remove mediatomb completly

dpkg -P mediatomb
dpkg -P mediatom-daemon
Last generation on 2024-10-06 00:00:49.

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